Strataman's Corner
Sites visited by Strataman

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Fossilized dinosaur tracks in the limestone beds of the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose Texas.

In St. George UT, about 200 million years ago a herd of dinosaurs walked through Sheldon Johnson's back yard.

John and Henry head out to the Southeast corner of Utah in 2006 and view four footprint sites.

In the dusty banks of a drainage ditch located just north of Mineta San Jose International Airport three of UC Berkeley paleontologists painstakingly unearth a cluster of fossilized bones.

All of these pictures are from Glacier National Park. Very fine examples of dessication cracks and ripple rocks in a beautifully scenic and serene landscape.

All of these pictures are from the Moab Megatracksite.

Coming soon...

John's new dream car.

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